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June Monthly Meeting - Apprenticeships: Bridging the Gap Between Talent and Opportunity with Peter Beard

  • 8 Jun 2023
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Bay Oaks Country Club


Registration is closed

Thursday, June 8th from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

14545 Bay Oaks Blvd, Houston, TX 77059

We will be meeting at Bay Oaks Country Club and lunch will be served.

The Topic:

"Apprenticeships: Bridging the Gap Between Talent and Opportunity" with Peter Beard

In today’s tight labor market, more companies are using “earn and learn” apprenticeship programs as an alternative way of training skilled workers without requiring a college credential. Through apprenticeships, businesses struggling with skills gaps can take steps to ensure workers are trained to employer specifications—and providing value of an apprentice’s work during training.

The Greater Houston Apprentice Network (GHAN) is a collaborative working with employers to develop and implement apprenticeship programs. GHAN helps identify new avenues for talent, including candidates from non-traditional sources, and it can support employers in expanding key relationships in the community.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Define a vision for an apprenticeship model and identify the priorities your company wants to achieve using apprenticeships, such as expanded talent sources or community development.
  • Identify the roles in your organization well-suited for apprenticeships and develop effective strategies for sourcing and developing apprentices to advance the apprenticeship program’s goals.
  • Explore and identify program models that can be used in executing and delivering apprenticeships, including the new avenues that can provide a more diverse and inclusive talent pool and continue to broaden and strengthen your future talent pipelines.

Meeting Agenda

  • 11:30-12:00 Check-in / Networking / Announcements / Lunch
  • 12:00-1:00 Speaker Presentation, followed by Q&A

Re-certification credits are available for this event (1 SHRM PDC; 1 hour HRCI) and will be shared with attendees after the meeting.


Guests are always welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings!

For on-site luncheon, networking, and presentation at Bay Oaks:

  • $38 TXBA SHRM Member
  • $48 Non-Member / Guest
  • $20 Student

    About the Speaker:

    Peter Beard serves as Senior Vice President for Regional Workforce Development at the Greater Houston Partnership where he leads the Partnership’s UpSkill Houston initiative — a business led effort that creates collaborative workforce solutions with employers, educational institutions, community-based organizations, and the public workforce system. He also serves as faculty for US Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Talent Pipeline Management Academy which trains state and local leaders, business associations, employers, and economic development agencies to use a demand-driven, employer-led approach that can drive partnerships with their education and training providers.

    Texas Bay Area SHRM  |  SHRM Affiliate Chapter #0542  |  PO Box 57923, Webster, TX 77598  |

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